Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Asisment #2

I found many interesting images on flickr. One that immediately caught my attention was of a puddle on a cobblestone street. In the black inky darkness of the smooth-as-glass puddle there is a reflection of a gas lampost. It reminded me of that scene in the Gas Lampost by C.S. Lewis, where the kids are looking out over the street into the nieghbors attic an the only illumination was from an almost burned out lampost. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlephotos/3526642369/in/gallery-eyesawfoto-72157621955129106/

I liked it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Assignment #3 made me ANGRY!!!!

I went in search of libraries and wikkis to complete step 3 of the learning 2.1 assignment and what I found made me VERY ANGRY. If I was the Hulk I would be 15 feet tall, green, and have smoke coming out of my ears right now! A simple web search brought up this article on wikkipedia, by University of Calgary, "libraries vs. wikkipedia" in which they crowned wikkipedia the clear winner over Public Libraries. Looking at the pros and cons they listed is just ridiculous! Check it out, although it will probably make you see red too!


They don't mention anything about our databases being accessible 24 hours a day, or anything about eServices, or digital downloads. They do speficially metion Calgary Public Library as beign the comparison library, but I must say they made some pretty large assumptions about the rest of us. They also state that the information on wikipedia isn't always accurate but that it doesn't matter. I wonder what their collective GPAs are. Losers! Did I mention I was angry?!?!?

Monday, August 9, 2010


A month has gone by... already. I hate to write just to write. I wish I had something redeeming to add to this post, but other than crazy life stuff, which I won't post in this public formum (Paranoid, check out the capital P) I have nothing substantial to report. Web 2.1 and 2.2 are trucking right along. I guess I'll leave it at that. The Funions and Mountain Dew of the blog world-- total junk.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The 71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) as part of their web technology 2.0 training came up with a list of the "71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners" they created a PowerPoint and listed these habits:
Habit #1- Set Goal
Habit #2- Accept Responsibility for your own Learning
Habit #3- View Problems as Challenges
Habit #4- Have Confidence
Habit #5- Create a Learning Toolbox
Habit #6- Use Technology
Habit #7- Teach and Mentor Others
Habit #71/2- Play
For me Habit #2, #3, #4 and #71/2 are all about attitude. Have a positive attitude and believe in yourself-- TADA! Look! You're halfway there. The other stuff helps you figure out where there is exactly, and the route you’re going to take.
I am a person who strongly believes in having fun where ever I am. Why not have fun?
You're going to be here doing what you have to do day to day regardless, you might as well have fun doing it. You make your own fun. It is a choice.
I also have every confidence that whatever happens, it will eventually be okay. I'll figure it out, or ask someone to help me figure it out. I work in a library... people here are all about helping people find the answers to questions they weren't sure how to ask. It's what we do. Got a question? Ask a librarian.
The only thing on the list that I would say is difficult is to use technology. Not because I am not a technology user, I like my gadgets as much as the next girl, but because technology is always changing. Not just changing, but changing in expensive and time consuming ways. Technology has become one bouncing, shifting, growing, mountain of a ball to stay on top of. I can’t spend all my time in the digital world, I like reality—I’ve worked hard to make reality pretty nice. I would rather actually play at the park with my son than look for an app for that.

The Begining is Usually the Best Place to Start....

So, here we are at the beginning. Beginning of what you may ask? The beginning of my journey through a "hands on learning experience" which is supposes to make me more technology savvy. Step one in this process is to set up a blog-- done and done. The next thing is to actually post to it, and that is the harder part. I don't like to journal and I've never kept a diary for more than one or two pages. I just haven't ever seen the value in it personally; if ever I needed to spill my guts or process something I would talk about it. Either with the person who was making me crazy, or a friend willing to give me the kick in the pants to talk to the crazy-making person or dispense calmer advice and tell me to let it go. Writing down every thought I have also seems kinda lame. I am not narcissistic enough to believe every thought I have is worth sharing...no matter how popular twitter has become. SERIOUSLY. On that note: Test post #1 complete.